Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It was kinda funny. Sam has physics in the room next to my astronomy class, so I always see him after class. Today I tried to see him at te beginning of class, so I was walking super slowly, and when I was about to get into my class, I walked a little bit more into the next hallway to see if he was coming and right after I turned right into that hallway, I see him and he sees me and I smile to myself, and then I pretend like I was looking for someone else. 2 seconds after that he sees me going into my class, and when I put my purse in my sit, I look at the door that was opened and I see him walking in the hallway, but he coming from the other side, I mean, when I saw him in the hallway he was supposed to turn right to go to his class, but he turned left, where my class is, and when I saw him he was actually coming from the left. OH GOSH THIS IS SO HARD TO EXPLAIN HERE. So anyway, he just went to the left for no reason, and when I saw him coming from the left, while I was inside my class, he looked at me, and FREAKIN SMILED AT ME. I was like "why is here there?". You don't get it, I thought he was in his class, but for some reason he was coming from the left, when I actually saw him in the hallway that was closer to his room. Ok, I'm sure you are all confused by now.

I know I'm over reacting, but it was cute. He is too cute.

Nothing else happened. Oh yeah, actually mi iPod is broken, so I started using my old iPod until I could fix it. Then my headphones broke. So now I can't listen to music, and I'm gonna have some kind of attack.

Anyway, that was my day.

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