Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bloody Mexico - The War Intensifies

The internecine killing between Mexicans who have affiliated themselves with drug cartels is escalating with a reported split in the Sinaloa Federation (parent organization of Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación - below)

The cartel violence and the battle between mafia style groups for control of turf and valuable trafficking routes increased with the economic pinch that the world economy has trickled down to Mexico.

In dystopian México, the absence of a just and moral government has led to a vacuum where evil runs virtually unchecked. Society festers where an underground empire rules a land in self-destruct mode. Rampant corruption at all levels thrives in an environment where many compromise their principles and their virtue for narco-money. Recent violence as a result of the cartel wars may have topped 100,000 dead—but nobody really knows the numbers and the Méxican government hides the death toll for the sake of ‘national credibility’. There are states in México where the narcos rule and the government’s efforts to restore the rule of constituted law have been repeatedly thwarted. 

Narcotics are not just a Mexican or an American problem. Worldwide people spend more money on narcotics than they do on food. The wars between entrepreneurs who would be king for control of the drug trade are as vicious as they are unrelenting. The Mexican cartels have made billions of dollars by moving cocaine that was grown in Peru and Brazil and refined in Colombia through México and into the world’s largest consumer of everything, the United States of America. 

The unstable and unsustainable situation in México, caused in great part by the narcotics cartels, is quickly becoming a matter of concern to American national security planners, as the border is not destroyed with a bang, but by intentional neglect. 

The face of the Jalisco (and Guadalajara) Cartel - it's in Spanish so if you don't understand the language much of it may be lost on you. If you visit Guadalajara and are beheaded, these are the guys who will be doing it. Or if you're sitting in a restaurant having dinner, and a hand grenade is thrown in, it's better than even odds that these guys will have thrown it.

Interrogations of members of Los Zetas, the paramilitary cartel that roams through much of Mexico murdering and terrorizing.

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