Alright. So this is it. I am sick of this. Last week was this Mike whatever who kept texting me constantly. Now this new guy, who started talking to me as randomly as Mike, said that I am pretty and that he wants to get to know me. I mean, first of all, you don't say that to a stranger if you don't wanna creep the hell out of them; start being friendly first. And never ever say to some random girl that she is pretty and that you wanna get to know her (or at least do it in a super original way, without using the words "i wanna get to know you", that is just retarded). What you gotta do is talk to her, be friendly, flirt a little bit, but do not be that direct because that is just not natural. I know that's the way American guys work, but I am from another country where we do things differently, and this whole technique of telling a girl she is pretty out of nowhere is annoying me. Specially because it always happens with guys I don't like, and I would never ever like. Step by step boys, STEP BY STEP.

So guys, let's try to make this a better world in terms of flirting and teen relationships. If you didn't really get my point, you should go to Europe or Argentina, where boys really know what they are doing, and know how to get a girl. Other wise, do not complain when girls say they want a British, Italian, or Aussie boyfriend.
But, I also gotta admit that sometimes, America guys can be the sweetest, cutest, and can maintain a real relationship for the longest time. And of course, American guys... ARE REALLY HOT. Right Morgan? Right Sam? Right hot-kid-that-I-saw-today-but-I-don't-know-your-name-yet? Right Kevin? Right Cody? Right dear seniors?
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