Thursday, January 26, 2012


So I'm writing from Chile. The hardest part (saying goodbye) is finally over. I am proud of myself because I didn't cry, but I think I'm still not aware of what's going on. My mind just can't understand that I will never go to my high school again, I'm never going to see the people I've met in a long time, I'm not going to be in my house anymore, and most important, I'm not going to see my American family until December, I don't know how I'm going to survive without seeing my sisters.

Thinking about the fact that I'm gonna be in Argentina in three hours doesn't excite me thaaaaaaat much, I don't know why. I feel weird, and I have been away for so long that it feels like I'm going to an unknown place, or maybe I know it too much, which is why it is not exciting.

It feels so surreal. That's the only word that can describe this whole situation.

Well, hugs and kisses from Santiago - Chile. 

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